
There are some easy steps and tips that you can implement in the home, re-using items wherever possible to become more sustainable to an end.


Swan 1.5L Dial Kettle with Temperature GaugeKettles

In the UK, over 3 billion litres of water are reportedly wasted each year. A good but simple way to help reduce waste of water is to reuse the water in your kettle at home. Rather than emptying and refilling the kettle each time, re-use the left-over water that is in there for your brews. It’s important to note that if you are using quality, clean tasting water, it can be reheated and safe to drink for at least 2-3 days.


Another good tip, instead of filling a plastic jug or cup (where the water flow is harder to control), you can use your kettle spout for more control for pouring into your iron (subject to it having a steam function) or even into your car. 




Swan Retro 5 Piece Pan Set

Pan Sets


It’s easy to just get rid of your old plan set when you decide to update your kitchen necessities. However, they can easily be reused for camping trips as it won’t matter if they are dented or burnt.


Another idea for giving your old pan set a new purpose, it's often that hobbies such as candle and soap making require melting down solid wax in a pan, in order to be poured into your chosen mould. However it's often near to impossible to clean afterwards, however by keeping a seperate hobby pan you avoid having the cleaning nightmare.